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Женщина, 35 лет, родилась 27 августа 1989

Белоозерск, хочу переехать (Санкт-Петербург), готова к командировкам


230 000  на руки

  • Аналитик
  • Бизнес-аналитик

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день, гибкий график, удаленная работа

Опыт работы 12 лет 3 месяца

Сентябрь 2018по настоящее время
6 лет 7 месяцев
Mazars, London


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Audit Assistant Manager
• Task allocation and leading team of auditors on various projects. • Performing budgeting for the projects and control how the budgets are met. • Dealing with the clients on all stage of the audit work and controlling completing the projects on time.
Январь 2015Август 2018
3 года 8 месяцев
Mazars, London


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Senior Auditor
• Task allocation and leading team of auditors. • Performing big data analysis and interpreting results from varying sources. • Performing final review and taking part in preparation of the financial statements. • Supervising, coaching and review the work of junior audit team members. • Reporting to and communicating with managers and partners regarding the project details and issues raised during the working process. • Presenting and communicating the information/data with the clients in a consultancy role.
Октябрь 2011Сентябрь 2013
2 года

Москва, www.ey.com/ru/careers

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эксперт отдела аудита
• Performing all required audit procedures concerning companies’ financial statement prepared in accordance with IFRS, US GAAP and Russian accounting standards. • Developing strong client relationships by providing excellent service and using professional knowledge and skills to deliver a high quality product on time. • Interacting with EY non-audit departments and studying the legislation and market information to perform the comprehensive audit procedures. • Manage multiple diverse jobs simultaneously, within time and budget, to client satisfaction


Уровни владения навыками
Communication skills
Data Analysis & Report Writing
IT proficiency
Problem-solving abilities
Resistance to stress
Team working skills
Time management and self-organizational skills

Обо мне

SPECIAL COURSES: 2010 LSE Summer school organized by LSE (University of London) – London, UK Relevant module studied: Principles of Accounting. 2010 Tax lectures organized by “Deloitte” – Moscow, Russia. 2009 Modern Global Management Techniques – Moscow, Russia. Presented by the US professor James J. Hearn, J.D. 2009 Interactive presentations about the impact of financial crisis on the Russian economy and the world organized by “Deloitte” – Moscow, Russia. 2009 Leadership training organized by “Deloitte” – Moscow, Russia. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: 2015-present Painting and drawing classes organised by the Art Academy, London. 2015-present Member of Ealing Lawn Tennis Club’s first team. 2014-present Participant of AEGON Team Tennis League competitions. 2013-2014 Member of Loughborough University Lawn Tennis team. Member of the Loughborough University Lawn Tennis Club Committee. 2011 Published article based on dissertation, “Methodological approaches to carrying out express-analysis of company’s financial statement for diverse groups of its most interested users”. 2010, 2011 Participant of group case competition “Challenge Cup Russia 2010, 2011” Special achievements: “High Quality of Analysis” awards – Moscow, Russia. 2009, 2010 Published articles on management and audit in the corpus of articles of the International Theoretical and Practical Conference “Plekhanov Readings”. 2009-present Participant of “Case Club” organized by National Research University “Higher School of Economics” – Moscow, Russia. 2009 Participant of Strategy Challenge 2009 organized by Plekhanov Russian University of Economics – Moscow, Russia. 1997-2006 Participant and prize-winner of competitions of Russian Lawn Tennis Tour. INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES • History of Ancient Egypt and history of Russia of 19th and 20th century. • Literature and art of 19th and beginning of 20th centuries. • Sports activities including lawn tennis, surfing and swimming. • Painting and drawing.

Высшее образование

Loughborough University, UK
School of Business and Economics, Business Analysis and Management
Бизнеса, Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

ИспанскийB2 — Средне-продвинутый

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения